New TV show What Should I Eat? about food hypes and health myths with food-factcheckers Marlijn Weerdenburg and Ersin Kiris.
What can you eat without any concerns? What one day is still healthy, is the other day not recommended at all. Experts and nutritionists are in the media every day with new judgments and opinions about nourishment: meat is carcinogenic, orange juice is just as bad as a Coke, E-numbers are poison and bread makes you fat. On top of that come all the opinions of the countless health gurus, the foodies and the fitgirls and therefore the food confusion is complete.
Hosts Marlijn Weerdenburg and Ersin Kiris will look for the sense and the nonsense about nutrition and health in What Should I Eat? They examine which statement is a fact and which one is a myth. Is this proposition right, what does scientific research tell us and what can we eat or what should we leave?